The Anaphylaxis Emergency Kit is a lunch-box sized kit that is durable and customized to securely hold: (medication is purchased separately)
- 4 epinephrine auto-injectors
- Symptoms Recognition Card
- Epinephrine Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use
Each AEK holds 4 auto-injectors of the same brand. Clients designate if the AEK is prepared to secure EpiPen, Auvi-Q or Authorized Generics.
It is portable so it can be taken to an anaphylactic emergency whether in a board room or on a playing field.
The kit is watertight and has an automatic pressure equalization valve so the AEK is suited for boats and aircraft.
Consideration should be given to the placement of each AEK. The LifeReach AEK is sealed with tamper-evident, easy-to-break seals that reveal VOID when pulled apart. This seal helps to identify when the AEK has been opened.
Each LifeReach AEK has a case number to track the medication within it. Your purchase of the AEK includes our service to track the expiration dates of the initial four devices stored in the kit.
Epinephrine auto-injectors are purchased separately and not included in the price.